Thursday, January 24, 2008


Despite being surrounded by beauty in every possible corner of my day, I find myself feeling a touch blue. Short of the people in my home, and the customers I talk to in a day, I don't have conversation with anyone. Sure, I have co-workers sitting around me, but we all seem so different.

Aside from one gay boy (my gay boyfriend) who I speak to for about 20 seconds in the morning, I don't know anyone. I'm sure with time I'll get to know more and more people. If not, I'll be prepared for monastic life down the road.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I tried

When a moving company comes in to pack your house, you try to clean up a bit and not look like total slobs. The funny thing about the moving company we used, is that they packed everything. Literally, everything, even things we had planned on getting rid of. Being an adult, I have some books. I'll let you figure out what kinds of books they were, but suffice to say that many of them have pictures, and no, I'm not talking about Dr. Seuss. Initially they were tucked away in a TV cabinet. I thought I would prevent some bright red faces on the kind gentlemen who packed our house and move the books. I had figured that if I put the books in my dresser, that they would be tucked away and left unseen. Afterall, it's a moving company, they would just carry the dresser clothes and all out the door right? Um, not so much with these guys. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when they opened those drawers. I can't help but laugh at the whole situation. We had been wise enough to make sure that other things had been pre-packed and taken with is. You know, tax forms, personal items like photos, and toys.

Oh well, I'm sure we made for great conversation during the long drive cross country for those boys.

Monday, January 14, 2008

In the beginning

Good morning from the blindingly sunny state of Colorado. I know it took a bit of time, but I am finally up and running in the world of the blog. My life was quite the sitcom for a few days as I was travelling cross country with the "padnah", her two sons, and three a minivan. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit this, but I almost want a mini van. However, the cost of registering a vehicle in Colorado is down right offensive to me...and it's based in part on vehicle weight. I am thinking about searching e-bay for a Pinto.

I must brag a tad, as my family has recently become significantly more handsome. Last week my brother and his wife welcomed their beautiful baby Matthew Logan into the world. You can see one of his first pics here scroll through the list looking for Matthew Logan born January 8. I couldn't be happier or more proud of my brother.

Now, pardon me while I have a bit of a rant. Last week it was announced that the Cleveland Indians has partnered (for a hefty price) with Progressive for the upcoming season. No longer Jacob's field, there is great debate about what the new name will be and if it's a good name or not. Personally, I couldn't care less about professional sports, what annoys me is the pitty party so many Cleveland residents are having for themselves. They are crying that they will only see it as Jacob's Field and whining about how money rules the world and then accusing Progressive of poor business practices for buying naming rights of a field shortly after there were layoffs at the company. What really sticks a thorn in my paw is that so many people are complaining and siting inaccurate facts. Having moved out of Cleveland a mere week ago, I can now see why so many people move out of state. Aside from gloomy weather, the economy is falling apart, and people overall just seem...crabby. The job outlook for the next 20-some years is dismal, whereas the job outlook out West gets more and more promising everyday. Many companies use a location in Colorado as a recruiting tool to hire quality employees.

Cleveland is very good at crying over spilled milk, and after reading so many negative comments about a company investing money in it's home city, and whining about things they know very little about, I am proud to say that I am a Colorado resident. (you just won't catch me ever rooting for the Broncos, I'm still bitter about 1987)