Thursday, February 28, 2008


Out of the blue last night, I got a craving for some local music. One of my favorite artists while I lived in Cleveland was Anne E. DeChant. Good ol lesbian folk music, of which one can never get enough of (ok, you can, but shut up). When I was with my first girlfriend, we went to every show we possibly could, regardless of how far we would end up driving. I own many of her albums, and looked forward to listening to them on my way in to work today.

As I looked back over the countless times I saw her play live, I remember one with such clarity it's like I was there last night. It was a couple days after 9/11 and she was playing in Lakewood. Angie and I had a tradition of meeting at Tim and Kate's, taking them with us to a show, and then going to my place. Anne played her usual stuff, and then, at the closing of her show...with no musical accompianment, she started to sing Amazing Grace. Anne was outside of New York during the attacks, as adoring fans, we were all worried. As she sang, the normally loud bar fell silent. As she concluded, she nearly collapsed on her way off the stage. I don't think anyone knew how to deal with their grief and confusion over the event. I remember seeing the first plane in the sky the Saturday after, and, I never thought a day would come that I was taken aback by a plane in the sky.

I have so many great memories around Anne E. DeChant shows. Kate's mom getting tanked, birthdays, heartbreaks, and great music. If you live in Cleveland, I encourage you to see a show. Anne also happens to be a great story teller. and I have never been disappointed at one of her shows.

It's always funny to me how one memory can bring a flood of emotions. I have been extremely nostalgic lately, I miss everyone in Cleveland, and I miss things that were familiar. I am slowly learning the ins and out of Colorado Springs. I look forward to finding things that I enjoy doing, places to go, and all of the things that go with making a town feel like home. I look forward to friends coming out to visit, and seeing more of my future take shape (I start my MBA in April).

Not a day goes by that I don't think about my dear friends. And somedays I even think about jumping in my truck and driving home, even if it's just for the Thai food.

1 comment:

breda said...

I'm starting to really hate missing you. =(