Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ah, Grover...

To this day I ahve never seen an episode of sesame street. I had afternoon kindergarten when I was a kid, so I learned to sleep in at an early age. Despite my children's tv deficiency, for many years, I was dear friends with Grover. I have to tell you, he's not blue, but he is tall...and has very messy handwriting. Back in my high school days I was friends with a guy who's signature was so messy that someone thought his last name was Grover. The name stuck, for many years. I haven't seen or heard from Grover in several years, until today. On slow days at work, I'll check into Myspace just to pass the time. And there he was, one of the funniest guys I have ever met, sending me a message. Low and behold he recently set up a myspace account, and he said I was one of the first people he went looking for. I'm pretty shocked by that, mostly because I don't think I'm all that note worthy. No, this isn't a pitty party, I just have always thought of myself as an average girl. I'ts been fun talking with him, we had some of the same friends in high school, although we went to schools that were nearly an hour apart. The last I had heard, he was planning on becoming a pastor...that didn't happen, and with all of my hang ups with organized religion, I can't say I'm unhappy for him. From the sounds of things, he's a very happy man, married, job, house...all those adults things we didn't really picture having in our high school days.

The timing of people showing up in your life never ceases to amaze me. I often wonder what happened to some people...others...not so much, but I suspect we are all like that. Today was my two year anniversary at work, and I talked with co-workers I haven't heard from in ages...and now friends from days of old are popping up. I don't know if it all has some grand cosmic meaning, but I enjoyed the people I talked to today.

Christine and I have been enjoying a very peaceful week. The things that weigh heavy on my mind are not inside my home...they are in far off places...and I hope that my semi-paranoid suspicions aren't true. Although time has taught me that when I have a gut feeling, I am usually right.

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